Daily Tarot Reading-4/9/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! A second ‘one’ card in a row! This confirms a new beginning for us all. There is a blessed New Moon, and a portal opening up this weekend; get ready. Cleanse your space, cleanse your self, and make the space for new blessings!

The Ace of Cups speaks about emotional fulfillment; feeling at your best. Your cup is overflowing with love and joy; be sure to share it with the world. This emotional fulfillment goes beyond any physical experiences or sensations; this fulfillment is more about attaining spiritual enlightenment. You will have a more profound connection to the unseen, which will then help you with your life’s journey in the physical. In other words, a stronger connection to your spiritual family will help you not only feel more fulfilled, but also experience more fulfilling moments on this plane of existence.

If there’s a strong pull in your heart to receive a specific desire, plant the seed today or tomorrow so that the New Moon can help you manifest what you want, or better. Now, there’s a difference between feeling a strong desire that comes from a place of love, versus a strong yearning that comes from a place of lack. A desire from love is something you want to receive, but you are not obsessing over it; you walk in faith that you will receive what you want, or better. You are flexible on the when it will arrive, and how it will arrive. If you are fixated on a specific desire and a specific outcome, you are essentially sending out vibrations of lack and fear to the Universe, and that is exactly what you will receive in return. Let all of your desires come from Love.

I do also sense strong, romantic bonds making their way to you. You might feel a stirring in your heart and body for romantic vibrations. Act on them or sit with them, or simply just enjoy the sensations. Either way, let these feel good vibes elevate your mood. Be grateful for these feelings, and have some fun!

The seeds you plant now will have a long-lasting effect, so hopefully this desire of yours is something that you want to be in your life long-term, such as receiving a spouse, or a new home, or expanding your family. Whatever the case, let this desire be one that you can envision totally fulfilling you. Feel that now. Feel yourself there, in that relationship, or in that new home, etc. The more you can feel the vibes of your desire, the stronger the pull of attraction towards you.

This moment is truly like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; you can relax in knowing that the recent storm you have overcome, is over. That’s not to say there won’t be any more storms, but just be present with this peace. Savor it.

Have a blessed day all!

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