Daily Tarot Reading – 5/10/2020

From the “Tarot Mucha” app

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Yesterday’s question continues for today; what foundation is your empire being built on?

The card for today warns you about establishing a foundation based on the material world; placing the course of your future on material “guarantees”. Nothing in the material world is ever guaranteed. This pandemic is a perfect example of that.

No job, person, location can give you security; security and safety come from you. In other words, you’ll still be safe in your authentic self and experience, no matter what the fluctuations in your material world are.

You have the opportunity to start fresh now. You can go for that dream job. You can start that business. You can go for your dreams. We’re so used to following the money and a false sense of security, but consider now following what your heart wants, even if it doesn’t make sense to your mind.

You’ll be presented with resources and opportunities soon, that will open more options to you. You’ll have to decide which path to walk down from now on; the old way or a better way.

Allow yourself to be swept up into a new adventure! Even if it’s unknown and uncertain. A part of you longs to try something new, so follow that sense of joy calling you.

You will be supported, and everything will work out. Allow your cup to be filled today.

Have a blessed day all!


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