Daily Tarot Reading-5/10/2021

Tarot Cards used: The Good Tarot

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 10th, 2021:

Signs of blessed manifestations have been making their way into our realities. Today’s card is confirmation that the seeds you planted at the last New Moon will indeed sprout; they are taking shape as we speak. You will see your desires taking form into your reality very soon.

Keep at it. Whatever you’ve been doing to nourish your dream seeds is working. I recommend also trying a similar ritual to the last one I suggested, to prepare for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. Any desires you intend to manifest within the realm of pleasure and love, will receive an extra boost from Venus, ruler of Taurus. If you’ve never done any kind of ritual to prepare for the lunar cycles, try cleaning home today. De-clutter your space, to make room for new energy. You’ll want to also cleanse your personal energy. I recommend using something like Florida Water, which also attracts abundance and luck.

Stay focused on your intentions; do not allow yourself to be distracted by any outer drama and negativity. You will be receiving ideas and creative solutions to any problems, as well as guidance on what steps to take, to assist Spirit in helping you manifest your desires. Manifestation is about co-operation with Spirit. You want to work with your spirit team to know what next best steps to take.

New ideas and opportunities are forthcoming, and because your intuition is heightened, you will have an easier time of being guided towards successful outcomes. This is a day of synchronicities and magical occurrences. Great transformation is at work; things will move a lot faster from now until Mercury goes retrograde at the end of this month. Use the momentum to propel yourself and life forward, and upwards.

By the way, have you picked a card for this month? I will be sending the results later today.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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