Daily Tarot Reading – 5/14/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Every day in our lives is blessed. Every day is an opportunity. But today is an especially blessed and auspicious day.

From the “Mandala Meditations” app

The Universal energies are favorable for success. Success in the beauty and bounty of life! The Universe wants to give you all it has, all you have to do today is show up and be ready to receive!

You will continue to receive information and news of resources, opportunities, solutions, and more. In fact I would even say that today will be a lucky day for you. Today is your day in the Sun!

Keep in mind though that with every transformation there are many moments that we might want to skip over, like the lessons, the patience, the growth; but those moments of “challenge” are just as important as our moments of joy.

The illusions of lack and scarcity are dissolving away. Whatever veil of fear you were wearing is lifting; you can see things much clearer now. Now you can perceive and accept things as they are. Now you see things, people, and circumstances for what they really are.

Rejoice in knowing that you’ve shed your cocoon and are now transformed. Take today to appreciate how far you’ve come, and all the wisdom you’ve gained. In fact, celebrate today. Connect with your loved ones and reminisce on the good times. Maybe even throw a little virtual hangout. Take a deep breathe and relax into your truest, most authentic self.

One last piece of advice; if you can, go outside today. Allow the Sun’s loving and healing rays to wash over you. Don’t forget to follow the blog so you get the daily readings straight to your inbox!


    • Blessed Manifestation

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