Daily Tarot Reading – 5/17/2020

From “Messages from your Angels” oracle cards app

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family!

Know that you are being guided to better circumstances; for your home, health, and career life. Overall blessings and abundance. But we must give the Divine time to put all the pieces together. Have patience and faith because what your Spirit Team has in store for you is much more and much better than you can ever imagine.

Take care today, of your energy and self. Relax. Breathe. Rest. Pamper yourself. Many of us are natural nurturers, and so it’s easy to feel depleted by the needs and demands of others in our lives. During this pandemic, quarantining can be especially challenging if you are ‘stuck’ with someone that is dramatic or toxic, or if you’re the one being toxic to others.

During this time of planetary retrogrades we’re being asked to be even more patient with ourselves and others. To communicate clearly and take breaks when we need to. Try not to harbor resentment and anger; clear the air right away if you are feeling overwhelmed by someone, especially those you live with. Take the space you need, even if you feel there’s not much room.

When you feel restless, know that those moments are build-ups of energy. Channel that restlessness and use it for fuel to create. Create works of art, or music, or even do physical activity such as exercising or cleaning. Be gentle with yourself and know that you are doing the very best you can.

Have a blessed day everyone, and don’t forget to follow this blog to receive the daily reading straight to your inbox!


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