Daily Tarot Reading-5/17/2021

Tarot Cards used: The Enchanted Map Oracle

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 17th, 2021:

While the energy is still forward moving, that doesn’t mean you can just keep on going; you need to rest. You need to put your big plans and goals on freeze for today, as you gather the necessary insight to move forward. A momentary pause gives you the opportunity to check the details.

There’s information you are missing; better to know this now before you go on to make a big decision or change today. Hold off for another day, and use this day to gather information. But if you can, just chill today. Do what you need to do to give your mind a break. If you don’t take a break now it may negatively impact your progress, and health. If you need something to do, do some research. Dig deep onto the path ahead before moving forward. If you need help, ask. Brainstorming with someone else can help you see what you may have missed, or overlooked. If your brain feels to “fried” to do this research, find “work” in the small things. Clear your closet of winter clothes, go through the pile of unopened mail, re-pot your plants…sometimes the best thing to do is focus on the mundane.

The energy today is more heart-based than mind-focused. The message lately has been to tap in to our emotional and intuitive selves. I see emotions and intuition much like Lunar energy; not everything is as it seems. Sometimes you may feel a certain way and you take it as reality, but today consider what messages your emotions have for you. What are they trying to tell you? Look beyond how you feel to find the root cause; what triggered you to feel this way? What’s going on inside and outside of you?

We’re moving closer to Gemini season and into a moment of retrogrades and eclipses, so my advice to you for the rest of this month is, don’t take everything you think and/or feel as factual. Not everything you think or feel is true. Sometimes we accidently walk into an illusion, and it becomes challenging to find our way out. Question everything until both your mind and heart come to the same conclusion, and then consider that it could be true. This is not the time for guarantees or certainties. A bit of a storm is coming–it’s inevitable and there’s nothing you can do about it; just enjoy this break and surrender to the flow of life. No matter what, we are always being led towards our highest good.

For the rest of this month, be more discerning of who you spend your time with as well as how many ‘to-do’s’ you plop into your calendar. Think about it this way–you have a small amount of energy to share with others; who do you want to share it with and in what way? Make every moment count. Don’t waste yourself on trivial circumstances. Don’t overextend yourself. It’s tempting with the sunnier and warmer days, but the energy doesn’t lie. You’ll want to take things slow and steady, which has been my motto for this year. Ease into summer and the glorious days to come. Find a balance between spending time alone, to reflect, and spending time with loved ones.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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