Daily Tarot Reading – 5/18/2020

From the “Tarot Mucha” card app

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Receive with open arms the gifts the Universe has for you today.

Gifts are all around, and it’s your job to perceive them. Pay attention to the support that comes your way, such as messages, opportunities, ideas, solutions, or even gifts of physical things such as money. Know that you are worthy to receive and you deserve to have all of your needs met.

Don’t forget to also pay it forward when your ship has come in. It’s important to give and receive, so be sure to tithe even just a little. You do not have to always give money; it can be time, energy, charity work, etc. These moments are especially ideal to give back to the community and to those less fortunate; there are plenty of things you can do now, even from home, to help someone else. With that said, also be aware of who comes your way today, asking for help. This may be the opportunity to give back.

Abundance isn’t all about money and physical goods. Abundance is the overall vibration of gratitude. When you forget to count your blessings or only focus on material things to bring you joy, you instantly fall out of alignment with prosperity. Money, just like any physical thing, can be taken away. It can run out, or be stolen, etc…nothing is permanent, so the other message here today is to enjoy money and worldly goods, but don’t make these things your salvation.

Believe it or not, giving in the moments of fear and lack, instantly align you with Abundance. Make sure to only give when you can, but you have more to give than you think. Try your best not to hoard your worldly possessions, and do share with those you love.

If money did not exist, what would you value in this lifetime? In other words, can you zoom out for a moment to consider all of the other wonderful things, people, experiences currently in your life? There’s more to this life experience than you think.

Thank you all so much for reading and supporting! Be sure to share this message with your loved ones today.


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