Daily Tarot Reading-5/18/2021

Tarot Cards used: The Enchanted Map Oracle

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 18th, 2021:

There’s nothing wrong with a little fantasy–it’s what dreams are made of. But be careful of wanting to live in the fantasy; we are in a time where illusions are plentiful. Take a timeout today to gain clarity and perspective. Base all your decisions on facts, not assumptions, and question why you want to do the things you’ll want to do today–could this action be a result of wanting to ‘escape’ reality? Nothing wrong with a little escape here and there, but before you exit reality, what is it that you are trying to avoid, or deny? Truth will always set you free.

When we are going through challenging circumstances, the temptation to buy in to magical or miraculous solutions can overpower us. That’s not to say don’t believe in Divine intervention, just don’t expect it to solve everything. You still have to do the work love. You still have to show up. Manifestation is about co-creation with Spirit–you’ll want to align Divine will with your actions.

We’re entering into a time of transformation–change and growth, which can feel uncomfortable and intense at times. If you feel restlessness in your body, take it as a sign that it’s time to try something new, and different. Your body can anticipate changes before your mind can; don’t try to control the circumstances, instead allow these changes to happen. Focus on what you can control, which is your reaction.

For some of you, you have becoming a sort of “hero” to others in your life. You have people who look up to you, and possibly depend on you in some way. But please remember that you must take care of your needs first and foremost. Remember to place the oxygen mask on yourself before helping anyone else with theirs. Your reserves are depleted and if you want to keep helping others, you need to fill your cup. As well, know that even if you try your best, sometimes people don’t want to change. You can’t force someone in your life to change in the way you need them to. Let go of the need to control anything outside of yourself.

The answers and solutions you seek are within yourself. Take time today to reflect and meditate on what you want. Try to do this in nature, and you’ll ‘see’ the answers soon enough. As I mentioned in yesterday’s reading, this is still a confusing time and you don’t have all of the necessary information to move forward. Enjoy being “stuck” a little longer until the best time to continue with your plans and decisions arrive. As we get closer to Mercury Retrograde, be sure to postpone any major decisions or agreements, at least until you have all of the details.

We’re moving closer to Gemini season and into a moment of retrogrades and eclipses, so my advice to you for the rest of this month is, don’t take everything you think and/or feel as factual. Not everything you think or feel is true.

Snippet from 5/17/2021 reading

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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