Daily Tarot Reading – 5/21/2020

From the “Quantum Oracle” app

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family!

The Angels rejoice with you today as you walk on the path towards victory! You have strengthened your spiritual connection, and are in alignment with a Divine plan for you; a path towards enlightenment and fulfillment.

In a way, I see this shift as a spiritual ascension of sorts; gaining cosmic awareness and divine understanding. Understanding how every moment of your life is created by your vibrations; what are you attracting into your life?

Expect to receive illumination and clarity of path, and purpose. You’ll now have a better sense of what the next best step will be. You’ll feel a deeper sense of empowerment and confidence to go for the things you love, especially those desires that bring you joy.

There’s another message for you. As you continue to release the bonds of old agreements and outdated karmic cycles, you may see ties severed to what is no longer working in your life. This could be the “loss” of jobs, relationships, circumstances, that are not for you anymore. This is wonderful because whatever is taken away will be replaced by something even better! This is your upgrade. This is a very healing time for you and us all.

And don’t forget to appreciate all of the joys currently in your life. Keep your path, intentions, and vision simple; nothing in life is ever that serious, so walk today with a lighthearted energy and know that everything is working in your favor! Have a blessed day all!


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