Daily Tarot Reading – 5/24/2020

From the “Miracles Now” app

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! EUREKA! The way is starting to become clearer for you. The fog and mist clouding your vision are separating. 

You are being guided to your next best step. I’ve been mentioning this in the past few readings but it’s important to follow this guidance, and PAY ATTENTION!

We’re all living in a “new normal”, trying to adjust and navigate to new social rules and norms. The same can be said about our foundations; what we once valued may no longer be in our best interest. Life is always changing direction, like a river changing course. You may not always know where you’re headed, but now you are starting to get a general idea about your destination.

The message for today is to Trust and allow yourself to be guided. Picture yourself floating on that river, allowing it to carry you where you need to go. The best action you can take is to begin trusting the Divine plan; accept where you are here and now. Your “now” will not last forever but there are plenty of opportunities and resources; blessings, here for you today. Recognize and be grateful for them. These circumstances and experiences are valuable tools you’ll need at a later moment on your journey.

Once again, you are being asked to rest, relax, and conserve your energy for when things get moving again. Write down any ideas or suggestions you receive, to implement at another moment. Your mind will be open to receive even more guidance once you can let it rest for a while. Your vision for tomorrow will then become clearer.

Have a blessed day everyone, and don’t forget to share today’s reading.


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