Daily Tarot Reading-5/24/2021

Tarot Cards used: Isis Oracle

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 24th, 2021:

This week we will be experiencing a Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse, and the start of two potent retrogrades in Mercury and Saturn. Take things slow and steady, be gentle with yourself and others, and don’t assume anything. For some of you these energies will be nothing more than a shower, but for others this could be a storm. In any case, your best bet will be to take shelter; wait things out until you get a better handle on the landscape.

When cosmic forces line up like this the energy is all about transformation. Gateways open for you but paths could also be blocked. It’s essential for you to pay extra close attention to your thoughts and emotions, as well as the intuitive messages you receive. Spirit will serve as your umbrella if you allow it to, and will point you in the best direction. Until you can interpret what Spirit needs you to do, stay still.

At least for today, don’t make any major plans or moves; you need to first understand how these forces will be affecting you before moving forward. Mother Isis tells us today that we will have an easier time of tapping in to the skills, strengths, and wisdom from our past lives. This is pertinent because retrogrades are all about re-visiting circumstances; lessons we have not yet fully learned, karmic debts which have yet to be fulfilled. No matter which way the wind is blowing for you, remember that this is an opportune moment; pay attention to what gifts it has for you.

Also pay attention to your dreams and try to write them down as soon as you wake up. We will all be receiving Divine downloads; your past lives want to come through to help you with your journey now. Your past selves want to help you break the chains of what is holding you back and keeping you stuck in the here and now. Don’t be surprised if you recognize special talents forming for you, as well as interests in doing things you never considered before. You are awakening to your truest self. Some other things may come up for you; unresolved inner conflicts, or any thoughts or feelings you haven’t fully processed. You might even try out some new behaviors for a bit. Know that this is a temporary experience, as you reconcile your present self with your past versions. But enjoy these sensations while they are here; you might find, for example, you have more of a sweet tooth these days than before. Explore what comes up for you without fear.

Grounding will be a big ally for you at this time, so try your favorite technique or try something like listening to the Schumann Resonance via YouTube.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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