Daily Tarot Reading-5/26/2021

Tarot Cards used: Isis Oracle

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 26th, 2021:

Happy Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse day! The main planetary player today is Jupiter, planet of expansion and ruler to Sagittarius which is the sign today’s Full Moon is under. Jupiter is also currently in Pisces, which is its traditional home–so what does all of this mean for you? It means that major inner transformation and outer changes are on the way. It’s time to think, act, and grow bigger.

Psychic and Spiritual gifts are unlocking, and if you are already aware of your gifts, they will be enhanced even more. The focus today is on your third eye Chakra, and spiritual protection. The colors dark blue, purple, or white will be your best allies (and black if you are someone who is already familiar with spiritual energies). Lapis Lazuli is a wonderful crystal for strengthening psychic insight and also tapping in to wisdom from your past lives. Amethyst is wonderful for psychic protection, as well as smoky quartz, or hematite. If you are someone who is sensitive to energies, protect your head by wearing a headscarf in a light color.

Listen to the intuitive messages you receive; the energy is potent for Divine downloads and inspirational dreams. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, and challenge them in case they are not your own. This is kind of an “anything can happen” kind of day, so if you are prone to negative thinking, you may want to avoid doing too much or being around large crowds. But “anything goes” can also work in your favor–I would play the Lotto! Be open to all brilliant possibilities, especially because you are always loved and supported!

If you’ve been considering going into business in the spiritual/occult realm, this would be an opportune time to do so. Create an account on any social media platform and get started! Spread your wings; you are being guided to follow your purpose. For those of you who may be feeling challenged, or are going through a dark period–you will overcome. You always have before and you will again. Open yourself to Spirit for answers and miracles–all Spirit wants to do is help you. This means sometimes following guidance that may seem hard or ‘ridiculous’ at times, but if it feels like a message from your Spirit Team, follow it–they know and see more than you. Have Faith.

This new paradigm is all about tapping in to your Divinity–soak up all of the miracles today has to offer! Get some time outside, in the Sun and/or Moon. Blessings, blessings, blessings!

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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