Daily Tarot Reading-5/28/2021

Tarot Cards used: Isis Oracle

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 28th, 2021:

Do you know who you are? So many of us have forgotten our true selves; Divine beings of light and love. Powerful beyond words. We are being called to find our true selves–to discover our gifts and purpose. This is kind of like when Moana finally unlocks her true calling and strength. Are you ready to finally live in your truth?

There are so many distractions in this reality, and it’s up to you to choose whether to be distracted or not. The more distracted we allow ourselves to be, the more distance grows between the person we think we are and our true self. Your goal right now is to be in alignment with the most authentic version of yourself. This is where you find peace, joy, love, health, prosperity, and so much more. Let’s be clear, this isn’t about changing who you are (though there’s always room for growth) this is more about accepting that you are more than your stories, thoughts, emotions, and circumstances. This is about being present with yourself; accepting and loving yourself right here and now, and knowing that you are Divinity. You are the expression of God (Source, Universe, etc).

Knowing yourself also keeps you grounded. Sometimes it’s hard to form an authentic opinion when there are so many voices and opinions outside of ourselves. In order to find your true calling and purpose, you have to learn to listen to that voice inside of you, over all others. Sometimes taking a bold step towards your calling means doing things that may disappoint others around you; they may not understand what’s going on with you. But they don’t need to understand–this is your journey.

Recently I’ve had discussions with people about spiritual matters, and I remember when I was starting out as what I like to call a “baby witch”, I was trying to figure out how to do things “right”. I quickly realized that every path is right in its own way, I just had to find what was right for me. Sometimes what’s “right” for you may mean taking a different approach, or trying a different method, or breaking away from the status quo. There is no one set and true way to be enlightened. Don’t ever let someone tell you that what you’re doing is wrong–listen to your intuition first. That’s not to say don’t take advice from others, but question everything. Listen, observe, test out the theory, and see if it is actually for you.

Standing in your authority also gives you the self-confidence to not allow yourself to be manipulated or used by others. You can discern between what is best for you, or what is best for them. Divine authority is never exerted on anyone else; this is all about you. If you have no idea where to begin on finding out who you really are, begin by questioning yourself. Actually sit with yourself and ask, why? Why do I want this? Why am I feeling this way? Ask yourself what do I want? Who am I? Keep digging until you get into that internal space of Divinity–you will be so glad you did this!

This process of self-realization is a solo journey. Take some much needed time and space today to learn more about yourself, and keep what you learn secret for now; this journey of discovery is fragile and new–be gentle with yourself throughout this process. This is where you will find the clarity you seek.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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