Daily Tarot Reading-5/29/2021

Tarot Cards used: Isis Oracle

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 29th, 2021:

We’ve entered into Mercury retrograde season, which a lot of people tend to fear but really this is a moment of abundant opportunities. When Mercury, the planet of communication goes retrograde, it tends to make it more challenging to communicate clearly and effectively. Technology seems to be scrambled, so backing up your work will be important. When we go through this retrograde cycle it’s a moment for us to measure our words; to think carefully before we speak. Think of the value that taking things more slowly has for us–we have a greater chance to view an error before it happens, when we take our time to do it right.

Retrogrades also give us an opportunity to re-trace our steps; to see if there are any important details we may have overlooked. This is why moving forward with big projects or decisions is not ideal at this time, but instead you can strategize for a better moment. You may feel the need to make some major life changes, but resist the urge for now, at least with changes outside of yourself, such as with your appearance or work/home life. Instead major transformation is called for in the internal–the changes you want to focus on are the ones related to your own personal journey.

This is a moment of profound healing. You will be re-viewing your relationships; what works and what doesn’t anymore. You’ll be re-viewing your desires; do you still want the things you wanted before? Healing is not how you want it to be, so drop the control and agendas–let it happen naturally. Don’t be afraid to re-visit painful memories from the past, in order to re-lease them. Don’t be afraid to feel the fullness of your emotions. Don’t be afraid to be open and honest with yourself. Miracles are right around the corner–become the person who is ready to re-ceive!

I experienced a wonderful live via TikTok yesterday and it was all about breaking free from generational curses (a topic for another time), and it reminded me that we have to constantly be checking in with ourselves and our bodies. We have to assess the direction we’re moving in, and if it’s for our highest good. Sometimes what’s in our best interest is breaking free from what’s “normal” and status quo. Do you know that many people actually believe it is normal to live in lack? They believe it’s normal to be seen as less worthy, or that they don’t deserve good things to happen to them. That’s their normal. Check-in with yourself to see what is ‘normal’ for you, and if it is serving or hindering you.

Many things will come up for you at this time. You may wonder why you’re suddenly fixated on circumstances from the past, or why people from your past are coming back in the picture. You may also experience more intuitive messages and downloads than usual–it’s all good. This is part of the healing process. Trust in yourself and trust in the God (Source, Universe) that loves you, unconditionally, just as you are now. Make space in your home (or in a favorite meditative space of yours) for sacred time–communion with the Divine. If you can, prepare a simple altar of things that remind you of the miracles of the Universe. Otherwise, just let this space be one where you can be free to express yourself in a medium such as writing, or painting, or even just worshipping. Do this so you can actively honor yourself and your life every single day. Make time for the sacred journey. This is truly a time of breakthroughs and breaking chains which hold us back.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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