Daily Tarot Reading – 5/30/2020

From “The Good Tarot” app by Colette Baron-Reid

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Congratulations for pushing through and rising up! This is a moment of victory for you. You have overcome obstacles and flowed through life’s challenges to get to where you are now.

Recognize the blessings here and now for you because perception is everything. Recognize the Abundance in your life to open the door for more. Financially speaking, you are on solid ground. Either you have received or will receive news regarding job/income opportunities. For many I see you heading into a position of power within your field or industry, so possibly a promotion. If you are currently unemployed, something will manifest for you very soon; reach out to those you know who are currently in authoritative positions, and ask them if they wouldn’t mind taking a look at your resume. Don’t be afraid to ask; they are willing to lend a helping hand. It’s all about who you know…

This is also a time of brilliant ideas and innovative solutions. Use your newly charged self to be bold and move forward with those plans that not only make you feel excited, but also tell your gut will be successful. If you can’t find an opportunity, create one.

The King of Earth (traditionally known as the King of Pentacles) is grounded. He knows he is financially secure and balanced. He wants to let you know to keep your vision towards your Spiritual foundation, which is what is truly nourishing you. Trust and have Faith that your needs will always be met, no matter what the temporary outer conditions are. You are always rich because that is your Divine Inheritance.

Have a blessed day everyone, and don’t forget to share this message!

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