Daily Tarot Reading-5/30/2021

Tarot Cards used: Isis Oracle

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 30th, 2021:

The understanding of yourself is expanding–you are learning that you are so much more than you think. You are more than a mother, father, friend, lover, worker, etc. We tend to identify by what we’ve done, or whatever role our communities have given us. Today Mother Isis is asking you to move beyond those limitations and perceptions. Consider the role you have now and ask yourself if it still applies to you here and now.

The roles are changing for all of us. Maybe you are a small business owner–now imagine yourself being the owner of a franchise. We contain within us vast possibilities, skills, and knowledge from our past selves. During this retrograde season we are in a time of re-invention. We are re-defining who we are, what our purpose is, and how we fulfill our mission.

We are all tapping in to the wisdom of the past and so you may find that what you define as your personality is changing. It’s OK to not find joy anymore in the activities you used to love; maybe this feeling is temporary, or maybe it’s part of a bigger shift. Be willing to observe yourself and the environment around you; how do you still fit in? Or do you feel like you are standing out/drifting apart from the “normal”. We are all in a “new normal” globally; be patient with yourself and others.

One hard truth (only hard because of attachments) I’ve learned is that if you want a drastic change in your life, you need to be willing to let go of the identity you created for yourself. Usually this is a “costume” we’ve created to hide our true selves from being hurt. This mask we wear is layered with illusions and lies, as well as trauma and pain. Dropping who you think you are doesn’t necessarily mean letting go of everyone and everything, but sometimes it does. If you’re at the point where you have gone as far as you can with this identity, and there’s no more room for growth, it is time to move on to something new.

You don’t have to search for this new identity; it’s already within you. Let it play out. Test out what wants to be expressed at this time. Whatever you let go of will be replaced with greater rewards and blessings. Some of you may even be considering taking on a new name to go with this new identity; this name will be gifted to you by a trusted mentor or teacher. Some of you may also be looking to be baptized into a new religion and/or spiritual tradition; just go with the flow. Trust this process of discovery.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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