Daily Tarot Reading-5/4/2021

Tarot Cards used: Earth Magic Oracle Cards

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 4th, 2021:

Spirit is always trying to get your attention and communicate with you. Communication between you and Spirit is easier now because of how thin the veil is between the seen and unseen. While you want to always actively listen to what Spirit is saying, now is a wonderful moment to receive loud and clear messages. Ask your questions and you’ll receive the answers almost instantaneously.

If you are familiar with the signs your spirit team regularly sends to get your attention, look for those confirmations now. If you have no clue what they are sending your way, then your task is to create a system that works best for you. For example, my favorite form of communication with Spirit is through meditation and dreams, so they know to send me the important messages in those ways. Once you find a way that works for you, let Spirit know.

Communicating with the unseen can happen anywhere and at any time, but there are certain moments (such as this one) and places that are even more powerful. Nature is the physical embodiment of Spirit, and so being in nature would be a wise move for you today. Sit outside and feel the Sun; feel the Earth and life moving all around you. Feel the vibration of the Universe. Nature can be a park, your sidewalk, the beach, etc…go wherever speaks to you today, and sit to tune in. Doing this will help give you the clarity you need on something important you want to do. You will receive the answer you need, in order to make the best decision for you.

Take a break from your daily routine to get this fresh air and fresh perspective from your spiritual family; you need it. This is especially true if you feel you’ve hit a wall with your work or projects. Your life is being re-calibrated to be aligned with the new rhythm of things. You’ve asked for blessed changes and they are on the way, but you must make space. Just know that balance doesn’t always mean that things will go in the way you expect them to; be flexible with how God (Universe, Source, etc) shows up in your life. Trust that everything is working for the best, and if you don’t fully trust that’s OK; ask Spirit to give you a clear sign that you’re on the right track.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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