Daily Tarot Reading-5/6/2021

Tarot Cards used: Earth Magic Oracle Cards

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 6th, 2021:

We’ve been on an emotional ride these past few weeks, but thankfully the waters are calming down. Changes are still ahead but not as rapid as before. Take a moment to catch your breath. Today is one for needed pause–take a timeout from the routine and the self-imposed judgements.

The noise outside of ourselves is nonstop; it may never stop, and that has to be OK with you. You don’t control the outer world, only the inner one. There is always peace and stillness within you but it’s up to you to find that sanctuary. I get the sense that you need a break from the outer madness. Right now there’s a media frenzy to keep us in a state of mass panic–it’s all about the Coronavirus, but the main virus that’s keeping us prisoner is Fear–fear is what the media is selling. I’m not telling you to stop watching the news or to get off of social media, but I am suggesting that you be more discerning of what you are consuming. Everything that goes in your psyche is a seed planted in your inner garden. Are these seeds nourishing or are they draining? Which seeds are taking you closer to where you want to be?

Because of how intense the planetary energies have been lately, I believe we need to treat ourselves with extra care as we recover. Try to spend less time on screens and more time on other activities. Channel your creativity with painting, or get your body moving with dance. Have you picked up a book lately? One that’s not on a tablet? I get it, I love technology and have my share of devices, but sometimes they need a timeout.

Today is about relaxing the mind and the agendas, and heightening your senses. With this pause in momentum we get to catch-up to any Divine messages, ideas, and solutions we may have missed earlier. When things slow down you notice the details. For many of you, today is a gentle warning–you may be heading towards trouble if you don’t take a moment to see what you may have overlooked. There’s an essential piece missing to your puzzle; comb through the details before you proceed any further.

For many others, you may have recently been notified of a loss–maybe the loss of a job or relationship; it was something that shook your foundation. Remember that God’s rejection is protection; there may have been something worse down that path. Trust that something new, and better, is taking its place. Head over to this post and see what blessed changes are in store for you this month.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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