Daily Tarot Reading-5/7/2021

Tarot Cards used: Earth Magic Oracle Cards

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 7th, 2021:

Allow Mother Gaia, Mother Earth, to blow blessings your way today. Are you open to receive these gifts? Winds of blessed changes are shifting our lives in the unseen; soon you will begin to see these changes reflected in your outer world.

When you receive an unexpected gift, how do you receive it? Are you open and grateful? Are you closed and suspicious? Do you feel unworthy? It’s so important to become aware of how open or closed you are to receiving; this will be a wonderful indicator into how you receive gifts from the Universe. Let me put it to you another way; if you don’t want to receive gifts, you won’t. If you feel unworthy of receiving, then the energy will only flow one way, essentially draining from you. Can you allow yourself to be loved by Spirit?

A lot of how we handle gifts and surprises comes from how we were conditioned to as children; what did you do as a child when you received a gift, and how does it apply to you here and now? These are deep questions with even deeper answers, but they are all relevant. The only way to receive these blessed changes is by allowing them in your life. Even if you don’t know how to open up to the gifts of the Universe, just open your arms and say ‘thank you’! The more open you are to receive, the more presents will show up at your door!

One of the blessed changes heading your way is healing. You are being nurtured by the Divine Mother, and how poignant since we will be celebrating Mother’s Day here in the US this weekend. No matter what kind of relationship you had with your mother in this reality, know that there is a Divine Feminine Mother who is holding you right now. She is always nurturing you. She always shares her gifts with you; nourishment from the vegetables and fruits, beauty from the flowers and the animals, and so much more. All she knows is love and abundance, and she shares it with us all, openly. Don’t be afraid to let her in; she has great wisdom to share with you.

By the way, this is a time for intuitive insights and messages, so pay extra close attention to the signs and messages coming your way (possibly through your dreams); these are the solutions you seek.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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