Daily Tarot Reading-6/12/2021

Tarot Cards used: Magical Mermaids and Dolphin Oracle Cards

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 12th, 2021:

The heaviness we’ve been feeling will dissipate; have patience. This moment won’t last forever but use it wisely while it’s here. Slow down and take gentle action; the momentum will pick up again but for now just take a break. It’s imperative to keep your vibrations high–even a seemingly simple post on social media can trigger a cascade of anxiety so be very discerning of where you place your focus at this time.

You are aligned to receive your desires; have faith that they will present themselves to you in Divine and perfect timing. Many of you are calling in your own businesses, and many others are calling in meaningful, romantic partnerships. Listen to the messages and guidance you’ve been receiving because they are leading you to the answers to your prayers. Sometimes the guidance may seem a little challenging, or take you out of your comfort zone, but this is a great sign–if it challenges you that means it is because there’s a blessed change right around the corner.

Yes keep a logical mind when making decisions, but right now let your heart be your guide. Your mind might not have all of the facts and details but your heart knows more–it is channeling that pure Love energy from the Universe so it will be more harmonious right now. Listen to your heart and intuition as you navigate these tricky waters, being that we just completed two eclipses and are in the middle of potent retrogrades. Not all of your thoughts are true–question everything and let your emotions be your compass.

Try to avoid negative people and circumstances today, to protect yourself. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself with intense energy. Connect with water–take a nice long shower or cleansing bath. Be like water and flow with whatever comes your way today. Try also listening to running water, like a waterfall, river, or ocean waves. We’ll get through this!

Thank you so much for your continued support! Please be sure to share this post with your loved ones, and subscribe to my newsletter.

Have a blessed day all! 


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