Daily Tarot Reading-6/14/2021

Daily Tarot Reading-6/14/2021

Tarot Cards used: Everyday Witch Tarot

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 14th, 2021:

One of my favorite poems is “Don’t Quit” by John Greenleaf Whittier because it reminds me to keep going; by continuing on with my goal in sight I will get one step closer to accomplishing it. Today’s card is urging you to keep moving forward with your intentions; your hard work is paying off, and the answers to your prayers are in sight.

You are so close to achieving success; the manifestation is within sight. Be patient a little longer and keep taking things step by step. If you feel you’ve hit a wall, then take a break. Even if you are taking action towards your goal today, do it gently. You don’t want to burn out before reaching a resolution. Continue to show up and do what you’ve been doing; being open to healing, going with the flow, and allowing circumstances to just pass, and just be. Most importantly continue to do your favorite ritual to raise your vibrations, whether it be something like meditation or journaling, or dancing…whatever works for you.

The Wands suit is all about action so there may soon be an idea or solution presented to you, to help you accomplish your goal. You will have more clarity on the guidance you are receiving from Spirit. Be honest with yourself about your desires; be clear on why you want what you want. Knowing your why will be helpful to keep going with your dream. You can easily tell if a dream is worth it by the ‘why’ behind it. If your why is not strong enough, then neither will your resolve be, to keep going. Point is, if you feel like a certain goal has run its course, it’s also OK to let it go and move on to another one. But for many of you, whatever it is you’re working on you have a long history with. Stay the course.

Be strategic with your plan of action; today will be good for you to use logic behind everything you do. Make sure what you’re doing makes sense to you.

Thank you so much for your continued support! Please be sure to share this post with your loved ones, and subscribe to my newsletter.

Have a blessed day all! 


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