Daily Tarot Reading-6/15/2021

Daily Tarot Reading-6/15/2021

Tarot Cards used: Everyday Witch Tarot

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 15th, 2021:

Sometimes everything seems to be perfect on the outside, but inside we feel pulled towards a new direction. If you feel strongly about making a blessed change into your life, it’s time to seriously consider it. There’s no harm in thinking about it, and possibly even weighing out the pros and cons, but the idea of taking a step towards this change is something that is making your heart flutter–do yourself a favor and let your heart lead the way.

What you are walking towards is a greater sense of fulfillment, and getting there may take some big changes; possibly walking away from what may seem to others to be a perfect situation. For many of you this pertains to your relationships and/or careers. You might be thinking of quitting your job to pursue starting a business, which could certainly affect your relationships. Whatever the case, this decision is not an easy one, but it is an aligned one.

My advice to you today is to contemplate freely but do so on your own. Don’t share what you’re considering with anyone else, other than a most trusted partner only if necessary. This idea is like a very fragile egg that can be shattered instantly by naysayers. That’s not to say you don’t want to think things over with someone else, but first decide on your own whether making this decision is even something you want to move forward with. Solidify whatever plans you can on your own before introducing this decision to anyone else. If you need guidance I recommend a professional versus a friend (again unless they are your confidante). So for instance, if you are contemplating moving to another state, speak to a realtor or someone who can actually help you, versus just approaching someone for their opinion.

For some of you, this change is regarding your Spiritual beliefs; possibly changing a religion or shifting your spiritual lifestyle. The changes you are experiencing are part of a new spiritual awakening for you; opening you up to new possibilities and personal power. You may also be wanting to step out of the “spiritual closet” and take a role of leadership within your community. This change is the answer you’ve been searching for; move forward confidently. You will find the support system you need.

You have the tools, or will soon have, to start on this new journey, which is supported by Spirit. Taking this step may mean going against the grain; maybe taking an approach that your circle won’t consider prudent. But you have to do more of what speaks to you–this is your life. Continue to ask Spirit for clear signs so you feel confident you are making the best decision for yourself, and to help you stay the course.

Thank you so much for your continued support! Please be sure to share this post with your loved ones, and subscribe to my newsletter.

Have a blessed day all! 


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