Daily Tarot Reading – 6/17/2020

From the “Wisdom of the Oracle Cards” app by Colette Baron-Reid

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! As we get closer to the upcoming New Moon in Cancer, followed by a Solar Eclipse, and Summer Solstice, we are entering a time of powerful and transformational shifts. Always look for the blessing in any situation, because there is always at least one. There is always a silver lining.

The seeds you have planted are flourishing; the gateway opening up this weekend is inviting you to experience something new and fresh. You are on path towards a cycle of new beginnings. This is a new beginning of balance and justice, but keep in mind that sometimes balance and justice come in the forms of storms and chaos. In other words, it is all a matter of perspective. Perceive whatever comes your way in the next few days as gifts from the Divine.

Look deeper and read between the lines of whatever comes your way today. The winds of change are blowing in your favor. If the winds bring down your house, is it a loss? Or an opportunity to rebuild something better and stronger than before? Always remember the Divine forces surrounding you. Protecting you. Inspiring and guiding you. They are moving mountains for you and creating possibilities. Accept these gifts with love and grace, and always give thanks.

Your efforts have not been in vain. While injustices are being righted in your personal life, they are also being righted in our global community. Continue to speak up for yourself, and for others if it is your calling. Injustices will be brought to light and justice will be served. Be a leader and champion of your life, and rise up against anything or anyone who takes action against you. This is part of you showing your value and self-worth. You are truly worthy of all beautiful and wonderful experiences; you deserve the best!

Lastly, because the energy is forward moving, you may be presented with important decisions today. Though they may require a quick response, please be sure to make an informed decision. Really consider with your heart and intuition what the right action would be for you. Some of you may have a harder time making a decision because you’re focused on the past; past failures and traumas. Shift your focus on your victories, and you will be victorious!

Have a blessed day all!

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