Daily Tarot Reading-6/18/2021

Tarot Cards used: Everyday Witch Tarot

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 18th, 2021:

I think so many of us are searching for a new wave; a new source of inspiration, or a new direction. We’re yearning for that thing that sparks the flame of excitement and purpose within us. Many of our conversations since the start of the Covid pandemic have been about change; what do we do now? How do we pivot and adapt? What’s the next best thing? You want to really ponder on these questions and more, to help you decide what to do/where to go next.

What is the next adventure? Yes maybe the next opportunity could be fun and exciting, but it could also be quiet and still be just as meaningful. Point is, that next heading you’re looking for could already be here. Be open to all possibilities and weigh your options carefully. If one opportunity doesn’t really connect with you, wait until that next wave comes through. The future is really an open book and you determine the story.

Don’t get stuck in this phase of weighing your options though; yes take your time but know that whatever you choose will be perfect for you–don’t spend so much time waiting for what you think will be the “perfect” option. Abundance is all about plenty, so there is no “one” path for you–there are thousands! The message lately has been to allow your heart to guide your decisions, so when an option comes up for you focus on how it makes you feel. Choose more of what makes you feel fulfilled; don’t feel that you always have to compromise.

You are really aligned for miracles–the Universal energies have been quite a ride lately but we will soon have a moment to catch our breaths before riding the next waves of success and joy. Know and affirm that you are exactly where you are meant to be and everything is working out for you. Regroup and refocus whenever you’re feeling “down”–listen to your body, heart, and soul when you’re in a “negative” moment but don’t stay there. Today’s card is telling you to have faith because things will be even better than imagined. And this card is also reminding you of your own power to change things around. You can manifest the life you want, and deserve!

Thank you so much for your continued support! Please be sure to share this post with your loved ones, and subscribe to my newsletter.

Have a blessed day all! 


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