Daily Tarot Reading-6/22/2021

Daily Tarot Reading-6/22/2021

Tarot Cards used: Earth Magic Oracle Cards

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 22nd, 2021:

You are a spark of Divine creation and today you are being guided to channel the creative source within yourself. You can create anything you want, including the life you desire to live, but just as easily you can also create more of what you don’t want. If you find yourself feeling highly charged, find a way to express that energy to benefit you.

Misuse of creativity can be expressed as anger, frustration, anxiety, or if you are feeling uninspired, can lead to low energy and depression. Check in with yourself to see where you fall on the spectrum. Having a high energy and drive to do something means you are riding on a creative wave, so use it to overcome obstacles and unravel whatever knots you can in your life. Be careful of stimulants today, such as caffeine, which can send you over the edge if you are already on a ‘high’.

If you are feeling unmotivated or little energy, you’ll want to first try to do a chakra clearing of your Sacral Chakra (you can find meditations on Youtube), to give it a boost of passion and drive you forward. Avoid wearing dark colors and get some sunshine to brighten your mood. Fire also serves to cleanse what is no longer needed, so what baggage can you let go of today, to make space for passion and creativity? Dig deep to find what’s been holding you back; what fears are keeping you stuck?

Did you know that it’s “easier” to keep yourself stuck rather than to pull yourself out? It takes more energy to move and change, which is why so many of us would rather just stay in the same ol’ same ol’. But I’m guessing there’s something calling you to shift–begging you to try something new, and different. It’s OK to be scared; those fears aren’t going anywhere, but just keep going. Little by little if you have to. Nothing outside of you will change if you aren’t willing to make moves.

This is truly a time of wish fulfillment; anything can happen, and yes everything is possible for you. Choose the best scenarios, actions, and outcomes for yourself. Just stay focused on what you want, and everything else will follow.

Have a blessed day all!

Learn how to Manifest more Miracles and Abundance into your life.


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