Daily Tarot Reading – 6/23/2020

From the “Magical Mermaids and Dolphins” oracle cards deck by Doreen Virtue

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! You may be experiencing stronger waves of emotion right now, or are quick to react to circumstances; this energy is temporary and will pass, but this moment is an opportunity to restore your energy.

Try your best to avoid drama today. If anyone wants to start some with you, or if you find yourself instigating some drama, take a pause and a step back. No good will come out of dramatic exchanges today. You don’t need to have it all figured out. This message is especially pertinent if you can’t seem to think of any solutions to challenges. You need a mental health day; a break from the goals, planning, and strategies.

Connect with loved ones today who you can just chill with, and even laugh or play with. You need supportive, loving energy right now. Your powers of manifestation are extra potent at this time, so watch your thoughts. Try to lean towards more positive thinking. Using affirmations can greatly help you not feel so over-the-edge. Affirmations can also help you find the silver lining to any situation and takes your mind off creating negative, self-fulfilling prophecies. Look up affirmations on Pinterest, for example, if you can’t think of any for yourself.

I experience anxiety more often than I’d care to, and it has come on stronger the last few weeks. If you find yourself feeling restless and unable to relax, or sleep, I highly recommend avoiding stimulants for a few days (such as caffeine, alcohol, or sugary foods). This can help you feel more stable and grounded. Most importantly you’ll feel so much better after getting deep, healing sleep.

There’s nothing for you to do today. Rest knowing that every moment is taking care of itself, and you have done the best you can for now. Tomorrow is another day, but for today give yourself a break. You need it.

Have a beautiful and blessed day all!


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