Daily Tarot Reading – 6/28/2020

From “The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards” app by Colette Baron-Reid

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Freedom is the order of the day. Be open to let go of what is no longer working in your life. Believe it or not, many of us hold on to things, even if they make us suffer, because we are used to them. They become a “safe” space for us, even if they are toxic circumstances. This is why change is perceived to be so hard; to shift out of a state of addiction to pain & suffering, and into peace.

Allow yourself to receive new solutions and new approaches. Be open to saying yes to new things, especially if they make you uncomfortable. Change and letting go is never in our “comfort zones”, so if the decision challenges you, it is worth giving it a try.

Freedom is what your soul yearns for; freedom from expectations, from attachment, from obsession, and from control. Start by acknowledging the areas in your life that are no longer working, and ask your Spiritual Family to help you let go. Ask them to help you have the courage to end what needs to end, so that you can begin something new. You don’t have to know the next step; it will be shown to you.

For many of you this card is regarding travel; from one place to another, or one state of being to another. Many of you are moving to new locations or homes, and maybe even new career paths. This is a time for wonderful shifts. Imagine that all possibilities are open to you; which door would you open?

Continue to spend as much time as you can outdoors, which will give you the clarity and healing you need. Breathe in the fresh air, to gain a fresh perspective.

Have a beautiful day all, and don’t forget to share this post with your friends!


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