Daily Tarot Reading – 6/29/2020

From the “Chrysalis Tarot” deck by Holly Sierra and Toney Brooks

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Today is for Spiritual action and movement; leave the physical action for another day. Your best course of action is to ask your Spiritual family for help and support, and get out of their way. Allow yourself to receive the assistance you need.

Allow yourself to be supported. You are exhausted or indecisive. You’re not sure what to do next and yet you feel compelled to do something. Do what you can to stay out of the way. You can accomplish surrender in many ways.

You can meditate every time you feel the need to “do something”. You can exercise or engage in physical activity that can help you burn off some steam. You can focus on something else; working on cleaning up your home, or some other task that doesn’t involve too much mental energy. You need a mental health break today, so either try to silence your mind or keep it engaged on other things. I like to play games, for example. Solving puzzles helps my brain focus on something other than what I think I should be doing.

Today is Monday which means you may also be working. If this is the case, take it easy today. Do the bare minimum, or better yet, take the day off. Your brain needs mental rest so that your higher mind can give you the clarity you need.

Stop trying to figure it all out. In the unseen, your “problems” already have solutions, and now your Spiritual team is bringing those solutions to you. Let them take on your burdens; they can handle it and more. Trust them and thank them. No matter how stalled you think your life is, believe that it is moving forward even if you can’t see it yet.

A word of caution. For those you of with a buildup of energy, if you don’t redirect it you may end up taking impulsive actions or reactions, that you will come to regret later. Take a pause before responding to others today, so you won’t project your inner frustrations onto them. This is not really a day to be surrounded by others, so if you can keep to yourself today that would be best. This is a “time out” for you.

Connect with your angels, guides, ancestors today and let them show you the way. Have a blessed day all and please follow me on Instagram @blessedmanifestation.


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