Daily Tarot Reading-6/8/2021

Tarot Cards used: Magical Mermaids and Dolphin Oracle Cards

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 8th, 2021:

Sound healing will be an important tool for this week, and as you know sound is energy; sound is vibration. The energy will be feeling heavier as we get closer to the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on Thursday. If you are sensitive to energies, then make sure you have plenty of resources to soothe and restore you. The message for today is to elevate your vibrations as you navigate this “heavy” week.

Sound is important for so many reasons, and in this week’s case you want to be very careful of what you are listening to. Sounds can have powerful effects on us, including rewriting our subconscious beliefs. I have heard so many popular/trending songs over the last years with terrible messages, and the more you listen to them the more they become implanted into your beliefs. Think of these energies like invasive weeds in your inner gardens. So if something “sounds” off to you, whether it’s a song, a commercial, or someone speaking to you, immediately shift your focus on something else.

Our physical and spiritual bodies are healing and shifting, so we are already going through an intense process; we don’t want to overwhelm ourselves with lower vibrations. Try sounds like singing bowls or the ‘Schumann Resonance’ to clear your energetic fields and ground you. There are many other types of healing sounds and frequencies; find what works for you. As well, don’t underestimate the power of your voice! Singing, chanting, humming, and even whistling can help you break the hypnotic “spells” by the noises in our lives.


Before getting on social media, which can easily hypnotize us, say a quick prayer or envision yourself surrounded by white or rainbow light to shield you from psychic attacks (and yes these are very real and happen more frequently than you think). Raise your vibes and your shields this week, and don’t worry about anything happening outside of your world–all is well. Change is happening and it can seem quite chaotic at times but it’s all happening with purpose. The best action you can take today is rest and contemplate–try not to strain yourself or overwork.

You are receiving positive, healing energy as well as help from your Spiritual family. While Spirit is ever present and always helping us, the veil between our worlds is thinner right now, so you’ll feel their help more quickly. You’ll have an easier time of perceiving their signs and messages, and you will be open to their gifts for you. Continue to stay focused on your dreams and goals and trust that there’s plenty being done for you behind the scenes, even if you don’t sense it yet.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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