Daily Tarot Reading – 6/9/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Help is here, if you are willing to receive it.

From the “Wisdom of the Oracle Cards” app by Colette Baron-Reid

Oftentimes aid is presented in not-so-obvious ways. Sometimes I receive messages or invitations from people, which I would have easily dismissed in the past, but now I know to read between the lines. My awareness allows me to see beyond the obvious, to recognize the messages, and today you are being asked to do the same.

You need help, as we all do, and honestly going it alone will be so much harder. We can all use a leg up to the next level of our journeys!

Pay extra close attention to whatever comes your way today, as it may be the solution you are in need of. Before saying no, consider how the message applies to you. Keep in mind that there are no coincidences, only synchronicity. When you are in Divine alignment, everything falls into place perfectly, as if by magic.

As well, if there’s someone you’ve been thinking of reaching out to for help, today is an opportune moment to do so. Working with someone who can introduce you to their networks, or teach you something valuable for your purpose or career, can again smooth the way for you.

Lastly, learn how to delegate responsibility to others. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to figure out who you can assign tasks to. It’s very easy to fall into a co-dependent relationship; many of us have dealt with this type of structure within our families. It’s OK to say No. It’s OK to set healthy boundaries, especially if you need space. After all, you can’t help others if you don’t help yourself.

Have a blessed day everyone!

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