Daily Tarot Reading – 7/1/2020

(L) “Keepers of Light” oracle cards deck by Kyle Gray (R) Morgan-Greer Tarot

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family; Happy July! I decided to pull from two decks today, to help us get further insight into the next paradigm shift we will soon be experiencing.

We are entering the next round of Spiritual activations and awakenings. The planets are aligned and asking us, are you willing to let go of what is no longer working in your life? Because my darling, ready or not what is not working will be removed. You will feel less challenged if you can surrender to the necessary changes, personally and globally.

Spiritual connection will be vital in the next few days. Your Spiritual support team (angels, guides, ancestors, goddesses, etc…) can shield you from intensity and protect you from harm. They will make this transition smoother for you, if you let them. Ask for the help you need, so they can intervene on your behalf.

You will be gaining cosmic insight and awareness; universal knowledge will be unlocked from your psyche. You will be tapping into wisdom and gifts from past lifetimes, to help you on your journey. You may meet spiritual gurus that can help you, or you are on your way towards becoming one.

There’s also a message of a profound healing of the Divine Masculine; for our global community and for ourselves. Father healing, which is much needed as toxic masculinity has created an unsafe reality for us all. Many structures and societal norms have been created by toxic masculinity, and they are being destroyed because they are no longer serving the collective. This includes governments, religions, man-made laws.

At this time you might find yourself in conflict with your emotions and thoughts; your heart and mind. Find common ground between both. They are not separate but we have been conditioned to see them as separate parts of ourselves. Common ground between your thoughts and emotions can help you achieve harmony between both. Follow your heart but with a logical approach. Your intuition can serve as a bridge. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by emotions, remember they have value. They have important information to share with you, so try your best not to dismiss your feelings. Ask yourself why you feel the way you do; dig deeper.

We have already experienced challenging moments in our lives, so you are already prepared for the next challenge. You already know what to do. You already have the tools and resources you need at your disposal. You are not alone in this. Share your burdens with those who love you most, to help you at this time.

No matter what the circumstances appear to be, you are aligned with miracles! You are always protected and divinely directed; believe it. Have a blessed and beautiful day all! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation.


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