Daily Tarot Reading-7/10/2021

Daily Tarot Reading-7/10/2021

Tarot Cards used: Mandala Meditations Guidance Cards Oracle

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Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for July 10th, 2021:

Let today’s card serve as a reminder to you that you are not your thoughts, your emotions, memories, patterns, etc. You are none of those things. They are a part of you but do not define you. You are infinite. You are eternal. You are having an experience as you are now but this is not the real you. The true you lies in the stillness within yourself; today tap into this awareness to remember who you really are.

There is the one who observes, within each of us. The one who watches and learns as we go through our daily lives. But we forgot about this essence and have been led to believe that everything outside of ourselves is true and real. I get it; it is very dense here and easy to believe the illusions, but it is also easier than you think to tap into your truth, and even more so now. There is something calling you now to remember your authentic self; follow this guidance today, to lead you towards peace and love.

I recently had a conflicting circumstance present itself to me, and I spent hours trying to figure out my next move; it drained me. When I took a moment to stop, breathe, and ground myself, I then heard a message from my awareness, telling me to trust. Trust in Spirit, which is working everything out for me. I have done all I can and now it’s time for Spirit to intervene for a peaceful conclusion. I felt relief and let go, but there were moments when I slipped back into uncertainty and fear. Once I was aware, I focused on getting myself back to center. Point is, don’t be hard on yourself if and when you slip back into patterns of fear or negativity, even if you are on a path to trust Spirit. Just be willing to show up and be open to receive.

Today Spirit is asking you to have faith that everything is working in your favor. There will be moments of discomfort and fear, because that is what we’ve been taught since the beginning of time. Just recognize when you’ve fallen into a trap, and you can just as easily get out of it. Just breathe and know that you are not alone. Make your choices today using Spirit’s guidance for you. Tap in to your intuition to receive the messages you need; clarity is here. Love is here. Feel yourself wrapped in Divine Love, which is the material of your true form.

The smoke has cleared and the dust has settled; this is the moment for successful completions and new beginnings.

Have a blessed day all!

Have you hit a wall with therapy or life coaching?


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