Daily Tarot Reading-7/14/2021

Daily Tarot Reading-7/14/2021

Tarot Cards used: Goddess Power Oracle

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Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for July 14th, 2021:

Today we are being asked to see the beauty and potential in everything. Read between the lines, listen for the pauses between moments; everything is perfect as is. With gratitude, grace, and humility, appreciate everything in your life as it is, and recognize that there is great beauty within us and all around us. Shift your perspective to see and feel this now.

Many of you will be receiving the manifestations of your desires, but possibly not in the form you would like. Learn to look beyond what your eyes see, to recognize what could be. You are the shaper of your destiny; how can you shape the form before you to work for you? Alternatively, how can you accept the form before you as is? This is a time of new beginnings and magical occurrences; be open to synchronistic meetings and unexpected messages, and resources coming your way. Before dismissing anything, take a pause and see if you can recognize what the circumstance is trying to tell you.

Try to recall your childlike sense of wonder and awe, because this life is beautiful at every single moment. Be grateful for all that you have; nothing is insignificant. Be open to receiving the gifts the Universe has for you, even if they don’t meet your expectations. In fact, release all expectations, which only serve to limit. Gratitude is the key for successful manifestations. Give thanks for everything you want to receive, as if they were already in your life now.

Continue to connect with your Higher Power (called God, Source, Angels, etc…whatever you connect with) in order to remember who you really are. Remember that you are beauty and love. Remember that you are Divinity itself. Once you can remember your true self, everything else falls away–all lies make way for truth. Stay centered and grounded in Faith as you move forward because you are loved, and so much more than you think.

You are being helped because you are worthy if it. There’s no need to force anything to happen; ask for what you want and let Spirit decide the form. You are supported!

Have a blessed day all!

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