Daily Tarot Reading – 7/17/2020

From the “Angel Dreams” oracle cards deck by Doreen Virtue and Melissa Virtue

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! It’s a Spiritual LIT-uation for the next few days, especially with the New Moon in Cancer gracing us this weekend. This is a wonderful time to connect with your benevolent ancestors and spirit guides.

I felt the veil between our worlds lifting this morning. My Spirit Team woke me up at 5:30am yesterday, and I was wide awake! They had some wonderful suggestions and kicked my butt to work on some things I have been procrastinating on. Let’s just say, the more sensitive you are to energies, the less sleep you might be getting.

The Spirits are taking full advantage of being able to communicate with you much clearer than usual so your dreams may be very interesting. Try to write down what you can remember because they are messages. If you are psychically tuned-in you may be receiving prophetic messages about your future. As well your intuition will be on point.

Your Spirits are working magic and miracles for you and they want to celebrate all your accomplishment with you. You are working as a team; co-creating this experience. Your wins are their wins and vice-versa. They are helping you dream bigger than ever before, and that means you may begin to experience circumstances to help you grow. Accept and embrace all blessed changes that come your way, and be grateful. Everything is working in your favor!

Lastly, if you have an altar dedicated to your ancestors, you might want to refresh the offerings, or even light a candle for them. You can keep it as simple or as intricate as you’d like. This weekend would also be an opportune moment to pay your respects and visit those who have passed by visiting where they have been buried, or where their remains are housed. Take some fresh flowers and tell them all the juicy gossip from the old neighborhood.

You are loved and taken care of, and surrounded by those who love you the most.

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated. Thank you!


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