Daily Tarot Reading – 7/29/2020

From the “Wisdom of the Hidden Realms” oracle card deck by Colette Baron-Reid

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Beware of changing yourself for others; to fit in to their perspectives. Also be careful of trying to manipulate or force a specific outcome on someone. Engaging in either of these practices comes at a high price.

There’s your guidance and then there’s Divine guidance. Your inner voice is loud and is always at the forefront. It gives you advice from a place of fear and lack; from a place of wanting to control everything. The Divine guidance you receive is often subtle. The Divine voice within is one you have to actively seek. This voice is the one you want to follow, and right now it’s trying to steer you away from trouble.

We all have free will, so when you try to force someone to do something your way, you are encroaching on that free will; on a law of the Universe. You don’t want to mess with these laws because…Karma! You would not want someone else to do that to you, so be more aware today of your tendency to want to have everyone do things your way. Become aware of the difference between being helpful and being manipulative. As well, being jealous or envious of another is a fear-based state of being, and it is worthless to you. Wanting what someone else has only takes away from your own blessings; it’s a huge block. Trust that your time of success and glory will come, in the best form for you.

With that being said, do not allow yourself to be manipulated by others. Do not compromise your authentic self in order to be the way they want you to be; it diminishes your personal power which is never in your best interest. Put your faith in the Divine instead of in people. People have their own agendas, as well as healing to do. The Divine power in your life only has one mission: and that’s You. Your protection, health, and happiness is what they care about; allow them to work for you and through you, and watch the miracles unfold.

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated. Thank you!


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