Daily Tarot Reading – 7/3/2020

From “Messages from your Angels” oracle cards app

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here in the United States we are getting ready to celebrate the founding of this country; Independence Day. For many, including myself, the holiday weekend starts today. If you are able to take off from work, please do so because today is all about much needed self-care.

It’s not just your body, mind, and soul calling for rest, the planetary energy is calling for you to rest as well. To conserve your energy for another day. Make time and space for play! Word Hard, Play Hard, as they say but usually we end up working hard and forgetting play altogether. As we get closer to the Full Moon gateway that is occurring this weekend, we may feel more tired than usual, or heavy. This is why rest and relaxation are so important; you need relief from the stress of daily life and this pandemic life!

On the flip side, some of you might feel even more energetic and want to do everything you can today. Doing this will only burn you out! Use your energy gradually so you don’t end up crashing.

Rest and relaxation can be taking a nap, drawing or painting for fun, reading, watching a good movie, physical pleasure, etc. You don’t have to do all of these things in one day but if you can at least take a moment to yourself, you’ll feel so much better later on.

Ask for the help you need, not just from your Spiritual family but also from your community. Before dismissing the notion of asking someone for help, just think of how much they love you and want to be there for you; they want to help! And they will help in any way they can, even if it’s in another form than what you were expecting. The more you can remain open to receive the help you need, the more help will come your way.

When was the last time you actually took time for yourself? To focus on your needs? The more you keep putting self-care off, the Universe will keep thinking that you don’t care for self-care, and therefore will never send the opportunity your way to rest and relax. Like attracts like; it’s all vibrations. Make the time.

You’ll want to catch up on some rest because the energy will be shifting rapidly and by then will be full speed ahead. Use this break wisely because there is a storm looming on the horizon. I’m not saying this to cause you fear or panic, but instead for awareness and preparation. Go outside, get some fresh air, meet up with a friend; decompress! Leave the goals and planning for another day.

Have a blessed and beautiful day all!


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