Daily Tarot Reading – 7/5/2020

From “The Akashic Tarot” by Sharon Anne Klinger and Sandra Anne Taylor

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! Despite the planetary retrogrades, reversals, and revisits, steady Capricorn is helping us with new, solid foundations. The Full Moon in Capricorn is also helping us feel more grounded (and present) with our experiences.

You may have been hesitant about making an important decision; maybe you felt the timing wasn’t right or didn’t feel “ready”. You are going to receive the boost you need to take that step forward. You are being nourished and supported by The Universe. This is a time of new beginnings and also massive creative energy. What you place your focus on today will have effects through the end of the year, so focus on what you want to create, not what you don’t want.

Your hesitation to make a decision comes from a couple of things; emotional imbalance and misdirection of energy. Your heart and mind are not working together. Your mind is focused on the future while your heart has been stuck in the past. Use the present; the now, to bridge the two. Make a decision from your present circumstances and knowledge. In the present you can listen to your intuition for the best guidance.

Because there’s a buildup of creative energy within you, if you don’t use it strategically it can be misdirected as frustration or anger, among other emotions. Instead use this energy to fuel your creative juices. Complete personal and professional projects you previously had no time or energy for. Or use this creative energy to continue to build on that dream of yours. This is a time for action, so dive in with no fear, doubts, or worries. Everything will work out exactly as it should, but first you need to choose a path and get moving!

The Game of Life is waiting on your next move; it wants you to win!

Have a blessed day all!


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