Daily Tarot Reading – 7/6/2020

From “The Mother Mary Oracle” app by Alana Fairchild

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Today brings the gift of hope reignited in our hearts.

Storms eventually scatter and give way to clear skies. The clouds of illusions are dissipating and there is clarity in all things. Divine Truth in all matters is yours today. You will see behind any hidden agendas or any actions that may be taken against you. You will also see beyond your own actions and motives, for the truth in what has been denied.

Allow the fire of hope to purify you; your thoughts, emotions, vibrations, intentions. Allow yourself to be cleansed from all burdens; lay them at the feet of the Divine. Even when circumstances seem hopeless, ask for Spiritual support and nourishment. Your prayers are heard and are being answered. It’s up to you to notice the signs.

The beautiful Full Moon which has just graced us, is giving us the energy and creative inspiration we need to manifest our desires. This is a wonderful time to connect with your Life Purpose and walk on path.

Keep track of your dreams and other intuitive messages you receive. There are no coincidences; all manner of possibilities are available to you now. Always give thanks for the blessings in your life and remember to give back. Giving and receiving keeps you in alignment with Abundance; share your wealth with the world. Share your light with the world. You will receive a calling to work on your Soul Path; will you respond? Working on your purpose is what will bring you closer to fulfillment. Follow the guidance you receive, especially when it just “feels right”.

Do not allow the illusions of the outer world to distract you from your mission; from your healing work (even if it’s self-healing). You are always supported, loved, and provided for. Notice the Miracles here and now.

Have a blessed and beautiful day all!


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