Daily Tarot Reading – 7/8/2020

From the “Magical Mermaids and Dolphins” oracle cards deck by Doreen Virtue

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! We are continuing to be led to our time of harvest; to reap our rewards. Information is coming your way which will continue to help you on your journey. Signs and messages can be clearly distinguishable or they can be like a puzzle to solve, as is the case with dreams. It’s important to remain open and aware of the messages you receive at this time.

Messages will especially be delivered from within your community of friends and family. If you’ve been a social butterfly these past few days and reconnecting with loved ones, you might want to take things a step further and read between the lines of what is being told to you. You never know what interesting pieces of information you’ll pick up in conversation.

This is still a time of rapid manifestation so today’s message is also advising you to be aware of your thoughts and emotions. Everything you focus on is taking form, so only focus on what you want to create or receive. Music can help to elevate your moods and vibrations. As well, messages can also be delivered in song. Sound seems to be a focus for today, whether as a conversation or through songs; these are all sound waves also known as frequency. This goes hand-in-hand with the message of manifestation; you will attract what you vibrate. The sooner you can elevate your frequency to broadcast to the Universe what you want to manifest, the faster you will receive what you want, or better.

Don’t just settle for good things that come your way. Be grateful, yes, but also encourage the Universe to send you more blessings. You want to keep the flow going; know that you are worthy to receive. Know that there is a Divine Inheritance that is yours and only yours.

Some of you have been wanting to start a business or quit your jobs to pursue an entrepreneurial dream. Hold off until the best timing; you will receive the green light when the coast is clear for you. Now is not the time to start new dreams or journeys. Wait a little longer; have patience as your dream takes shape.

Continue to affirm that all is well and working in your favor, and it will be!

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated. Thank you!


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