Daily Tarot Reading – 8/1/2020

From the “Everyday Witch” Tarot app, by Deborah Blake (art by Elisabeth Alba)

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Happy new month and new day! This card is perfect for today because it signals the end of a challenge, and moving on towards better circumstances.

I see this blessed change occurring by or before the upcoming Full Moon on August 3rd; you are entering into a new cycle. For many of you this change isn’t an “easy” transition; it takes courage to walk away from a situation that doesn’t serve you. You now understand that there is no more growth where you are. This could apply to your jobs or relationships; whatever it is that is not fulfilling anymore, let it go.

Every circumstance ebbs and flows, so while you might not feel “fulfilled” all the time at a job or in a relationship, you know when it’s time to walk away if it’s taking away from you; draining you.

You have the power to choose what your next step is and what direction your life will take. The winds of change are inviting us to take a ride on them, but we have to determine the course of the flow. This change is a physical transition from one state of being to another, and trust that it is for the best. Many of you have been considering a physical move or a trip; go for it! It will clear your head space and renew your energy.

Pick a direction and get moving! You will be supported every step of the way. Now is the time to choose a new adventure!

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated. Thank you!


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