Daily Tarot Reading – 8/12/2020

From the “Archangel Power” Tarot Cards by Radleigh Valentine

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Do not allow yourself to be persuaded to remain in the past. There’s a bright and promising future ahead; keep your sights on what is possible next.

Certain people or circumstances will tempt you today, to remain stuck in a situation that no longer serves you; something you are moving out of or away from, but still has a slight hold of you. For many of you, this applies to your jobs or businesses. You feel ready to move on, but there’s something holding you back. Keep your eyes on the prize! Something better is right over the horizon.

Your ship is coming in. There will be new opportunities, and for many new sources of income or even new places of employment. Your patience will be rewarded! Some of you are also being guided to start a new business or move to a new home; important information and clarity is coming your way, to help you make the best decision. Follow through on your future plans.

In our global community there is much uncertainty, and maybe you don’t have much hope for the future. Do not buy in to everything you see and hear, especially in the media. Most of the information is exaggerated, or falsified; illusions. In other words, read between the lines of what you see and hear with your physical senses, and know that the Divine Truth is the only truth there is. The Divine Truth is that you are loved and the Universe wants you to succeed. Your Spiritual Family wants you to succeed. They are sending you messages and tools to help you every step of the way. Ask them for the support to help you win at this game of life.

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated. Thank you!


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