Daily Tarot Reading – 8/27/2020

From the “Everyday Witch” Tarot app, by Deborah Blake (art by Elisabeth Alba)

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Job well done! Give yourself a round of applause; you deserve it! Today signals a time of completion and celebration. You have put in the work and have overcome great obstacles. The energy and mood for today are much lighter and supportive.

Continue to look and move forward, all while being present with today; present with your gifts and blessings. The past can no longer affect you; it’s all behind you now. You can move forward with those important decisions you’ve been wanting to make, and can continue to work on your goals. If you’ve been hesitant about taking a momentous step forward, today’s card gives you a resounding GO FOR IT!

Vital updates are coming your way. Be on the lookout for news or messages with useful information for your journey. For many these are messages of new opportunities, such as jobs, coming your way. This is definitely cause for celebration! As well, take steps towards any intentions you may have set on our previous New Moon, which may come to fruition on the first Full Moon in September.

I also feel like today’s message is about saying goodbye to summer. Enjoy these last days of summer, warmth, and sunshine while they are here. Every day and season are to be enjoyed in their own way, but now would be a great time to take a little trip, if you can, before our routines start back up again.

The choice is yours on what you want to do next, and where you want to go, whether physically or spiritually. Be open to receiving guidance on the best heading for you. The important thing to note is to keep moving forward. It’s better to stumble forward than to stay stuck, or worse, take a step back.

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated. Thank you!


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