Daily Tarot Reading – 9/11/2020

From “The Mother Mary Oracle” app by Alana Fairchild

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! You have a vast arsenal of tools, resources, and support at your disposal. It’s easy to look at your physical world and circumstances, and feel like you don’t have enough money, time, energy, etc. But you do, within yourself. You hold a treasure chest of unlimited gifts in the “unseen”. Today you are being reminded of the immense Power you hold.

Turn to the Spiritual; to the “unseen” for support and guidance. Let Spirit show you the way. I can’t stress enough how important it is to establish a Spiritual Foundation in your life. This pandemic has destroyed many of the illusions which kept us trapped in the beliefs that we were small and less than. That we could only rely on ourselves to get ahead. That we have to work hard and toil to be aligned with Abundance. Those and more were all misconceptions of our realities. You have the innate ability to create your world! Creation is your inheritance; your Divine birthright!

You can’t tell me you’re not a Creator because that is what we do every single day. When we have an intense experience, let’s say rage, we become tuned in to manifest more…rage. Unless we choose to flip the channel and focus on manifesting something else. You can so do that. Trust me, I have put it to the test! You have the right and freedom to go out into the world and test this hypothesis. But know this, it’s not enough to think of something you want to manifest, you have to use your mind and emotions; your thoughts and intentions create the vibration. Think it, Feel it, Act on it, Believe it. Achieve it! Achieve it or better. That specific thing or outcome you want, or better. Always be flexible with the Universe as it delivers what it knows you need the most of.

Trust in the Universe; it knows more than you at this point, and is nudging you to remember who you are; the truth of who you are.

The Lady of Creative Choices wants you to tap in to your powers using creativity. Let your creative juices flow! Write what you want to manifest, or paint it; sing it, or sculpt it. Whatever it is you desire, create it with your hands. Just like with cooking, you want to be actively engaged in what you’re doing, to receive a yummy result. Allow the fun and empowering act of creating to inspire you to be more aware of your gifts.

As well, for many of you facing what seems like an “impossible situation” know that there are solutions which you have not thought of or encountered yet. By tapping in to your creativity you can unblock yourself to receive the answer that is right in front of you. There are creative solutions all around! Don’t forget, many times the solution is asking others for help.

You will move forward and you will be victorious, if you heed this advice!

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated. Thank you!


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