Daily Tarot Reading – 9/16/2020

“Mandala Meditations Guidance Cards” app by Marg Thomson

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Know that we are all experiencing deep healing, and as is the case with anything that is healing there is bound to be discomfort. As we allow our wounds to continue to heal, we welcome renewal; renewal of cells, of energy, of life. But change usually comes with some challenges and today these challenges may be weighing much more heavily than anticipated.

Reach out for help if you need it. Especially if you are feeling alone and/or isolated. Sometimes it’s hard to shift the perspective outside of yourself, to recognize that we are not alone in this world. Spirit is our constant companion and is always available to lend a helping hand. But Spirit knows you need more; you need physical contact and companionship. Interestingly enough, the first kind of companionship I “felt” with today’s card was that of nature; plants and animal friends.

Consider inviting the flora and/or fauna into your home and life; if you’ve been considering getting a pet now may be the time to search for one. Or if you don’t think you can take on the responsibilities of a pet, try a plant friend. Both are wonderful and loving companions which can help you reconnect with nature, and therefore connect with your present experience.

A little warning though friends, know that whichever kind of companion you choose, whether it’s an animal, plant, or another human, just know that they can never provide you the fulfillment you seek. They are not there to fill a void, but rather to help you re-discover what you thought was missing. Yes, they will have some value to add to your life, but they cannot be your everything. And the same holds true of others; you cannot fill their voids. The simplest way to put this is, there is no void at all. Anytime you feel there’s something “lacking” in your life, it’s a trick; an illusion. There’s nothing missing. You just simply forgot your connection with the Divine; with the most high. Once you can reconnect with your highest self you’ll come to realize, you actually have everything you need.

What is yours can never be taken from you, only replaced by something better. So reach out today because you are never alone. Let this serve as another reminder.

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated.
Thank you!


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