Daily Tarot Reading – 9/7/2020

From the “Earth Magic” oracle cards app by Steven D. Farmer

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! The Winds of Change are blowing our way; can you feel it? Here in NYC it’s getting cooler; you can feel that summer is wrapping up its journey. I can even feel the time changing; my internal clock is resetting. The Winds are asking you not to resist and go in the direction they are pointing you towards.

This Activation will bring about more energy and enthusiasm to complete projects, or start something new. You have the stamina, drive, motivation, and resources to get going! Help is also being blown your way. Answered prayers, mostly being sent through other people, are heading your way. Will you be open to receive when it comes? Will you be open to receive the blessed changes heading your way?

The Winds advise you to use all your resources; everything you have at your disposal to be used. You have a great arsenal of tools and networks which can help you with the fulfillment of a dream. The energy is potent with possibilities; it’s time to intentionally manifest your desires.

Be clear and focused towards the manifestation of your desires, but also be aware that the driving force we feel can turn into aggressive behavior. It’s one thing to be tenacious but another to be ruthless. This isn’t about getting ahead no matter what the costs. This is about riding the waves of opportunity when they arise, and this is an advantageous time for progress.

What are some of the goals you are working towards completing this year? Let me know in the comments below.

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated. Thank you!


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