December Pick-A-Card Reading

December Pick-A-Card Reading

Hello all, here is the final pick-a-card reading for 2021:

What is my theme for 2022?

Learn what direction is in store for you for this coming year, and some advice for how to make the most of 2022. Take a deep breath and pick the first card you are drawn to…scroll down for the results…

But first an update…

I will be taking a break from posting the weekly readings, until the New Year. I am focusing on self-care, and I recommend you do the same. The current energy is bringing a lot of our shadow selves to light, and this can feel very draining and defeating. As well, we are shedding what is outdated in order to make space for new energy, for the new year. I wish you all a very peaceful Holiday season…don’t worry so much about forcing things to be “happy”–these are trying times for us all. Just show up every day and do the best you can. Love you lots!

What is my theme for 2022? Results…

Card #1 – Innocence:

You will find the passion, energy, and inspiration you seek by tapping into your inner child. Go back and think about what used to make you happy as a child; what kinds of games did you love to play? How did you express yourself back then? Was it through art, singing, dancing, etc…tapping into your little self can give you the clues you need to find your purpose.

If you’ve been asking for healing, then begin with inner child healing and therapy, to release those heavy burdens. This is a year for greater joy; do the work you are being called to do, in order to feel your wholeness.

The advice for 2022 is to not take life so seriously. Make more time for play and relaxation, as well, follow your passions. Spirit wants you to know that this is a year for release from hardships for you, and overcoming obstacles, so make more time for fun! Learn to laugh at those things, people, and circumstances that hurt you, in order to help heal from those painful memories.

As well, I can see expansion in your family, for many of you–children will be an integral part of your life this year. Some of you are also being called to teach or help children in some way–if you’ve been thinking the same thing, then this is your sign to trust your intuition.

Card #2 – Abundance:

This year will be very fruitful and rewarding in multiple ways, especially financially. There is a great bounty heading your way. Spirit is telling me that this is a reversal of fortune for you–2021 may have been hard financially, but all of those setbacks have been removed. The Wheel of Fortune is turning in your favor!

Money is on the way for you in many different ways; be open to receive and don’t forget to be charitable! Enjoy this money and let it help set you up for generational wealth. For many of you this money will help you invest in a dream (for some of you this is a dream of starting a family and/or buying a home).

This will be a very lucky year for you as well; don’t be afraid to take some leaps of faith.

The advice for 2022 is to use this influx of money and opportunities to create more wealth for you, and your family. Invest in those dreams and also consider investing in opportunities to generate more abundance–for many of you there will be opportunities to invest in real-estate. As well, you may be guided towards brilliant ideas for products or services; this is the perfect year to make those dreams come true! Your ships are coming in; relax and celebrate!

Card #3 – Enlightenment:

You are being led to activate your Spiritual Warrior within. This Spiritual Warrior will help you to break free from illusions which have kept you stuck, and will help you overcome any obstacle. 

You will go on an adventure this year–something which will serve as a catalyst for a spiritual awakening/activation. You will become so inspired by this adventure that it will help you understand your soul’s purpose here.

For many of you this adventure will be a trip of some sort, to a sacred site. You will have the opportunity to go somewhere considered Holy, or you may feel the urge to do something out of the norm–consider a trip, or pilgrimage, to a sacred place.

The advice for 2022 is to connect more with Spirit and know that the fuel you need is in the spiritual. If you’ve been feeling bored of the everyday routine, then this is your wake-up call! The fuel you need is with Spirit. You can start by creating a sacred space in your home–you can keep it as simple or as intricate as you’d like, but let this be the place where you feel safe connecting with your spiritual family. This could be through meditation, prayer, journaling, chanting, etc…there is no “right” way to do it, just pick something and start somewhere.

If you’ve been feeling blocked by life, it’s because you are, so that you can come to the Holy place within yourself. Everything will move forward once you do this.

Some of you will also be inspired to move to new places; ones which will help you live more authentically.

Card #4 – Manifestation:

Spirit wants you to know that you are a very powerful manifestor–you can use your power to improve your life or to worsen it–the choice is yours.

Many of you have felt defeated by the hardships in your life, but do not lose hope! You’ve simply walked into a “House of Mirrors”–full of illusions which have only disappointed you, but there is an exit. You can easily turn things around for yourself. Learn to channel this power to turn things around for you, for the better.

Many of you have felt great loss and disillusionment this year, but it was all part of a lesson-plan for you, to help you tap into your inner power. Believe it or not, this is a time of victory for you as you move away from those struggles and illusions. Possibly you’ve broken away from some people who no longer serve you–now you have the opportunity to welcome newer and stronger bonds. See all of the “losses” in your life as gains–there is truly a silver lining to every circumstance.

The advice for 2022 is to shift your perspective and focus your power on manifesting more of what you want. Spirit would like you to consider becoming more mindful and aware of your thoughts–this is what will serve you the most this year. You can easily know what your manifestation power is focused on by your thoughts–once you become aware of those negative thought patterns, you can begin to let them go. Use techniques such as meditation to help you focus your thoughts towards the positive and uplifting. Try other methods such as vision boards, affirmations, etc. This is truly a moment of wonderful possibilities for you–believe that! Aim your power for your best and highest good.

Be sure to follow me on TikTok and Youtube!

Did your theme resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.


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