Guidance for the First Quarter of the year:
The first three months of 2025 promise to be very interesting. There will be lots of shifts in the energies around us, preparing the way for powerful conclusions. The first quarter of the year will feel like the stage is being set for the play to come, so think of it like the “dress rehearsal”.
The energy will move like waves; starting out a little slow, then picking up in momentum before rejoining the ocean once again. Long awaited manifestations will be arriving for you this quarter; answered prayers. Goals and desires you’ve been working towards and praying for will finally make their way to you. The question is, what will you do with your “packages” once they arrive? Are you actually ready to receive them? As long as you stay organized and ask for help when you need it, you will succeed in harnessing the power of these manifestations when they arrive.
For some of you, wise counsel is on the way. You may soon be crossing paths with a person who can help you greatly, so heed their advice…