Guidance for the Third Quarter of the Year

Guidance for the Third Quarter of the Year

This third quarter (July, August, September) of 2024 has the energy of release, opportunities, and stability. In Q3 we continue to walk on the path we’ve forged and meet some blessings along the way. Spirit advises you to let your heart lead the way; follow what lights you up. Doing so will help you clarify what it is you want and what is no longer working for you.

Astrologically speaking, Saturn will be retrograde in Pisces during this time which means a few things; firstly, this will be a time to refine your dreams. The dreams you started the year with, have they been fulfilled? If not, do you still wish they came true? And are you putting in the necessary work to realize these dreams? Saturn will definitely make sure you really want what it is you’re asking for. 

As well, some of your dream bubbles may burst through such an intense lens. Maybe you feel so far removed from realizing your dream that you wonder, what’s the point of pursuing it? Saturn doesn’t want to crush your dreams but sometimes a little harshness is necessary to scrub something clean–to bring out its full potential. A little polishing to bring out the shine! So maybe some dreams were more delusions than intentions, and that’s OK. During this time you’ll learn the difference.

Interestingly enough, Pisces’ ruler Neptune will also retrograde in its sign–this adds an extra layer of ‘realism’ to your efforts. Beware of confusion and fogginess at this time. Communicate your needs clearly and also pay extra close attention when you’re listening. As well, pay attention to your dreams because lots of little subconscious critters will be coming to the surface for some much needed light, and healing. You may want to lean into escapism a little more but don’t miss out on this opportunity to clear your road from unnecessary clutter. Don’t be afraid to face your truths; there’s power here.

There’s lots of truth being revealed making the way for clarity–this especially applies to our spiritual truths, and the truths about our relationships. Mercury going retrograde later in Q3 will also be another opportunity to clean up any mishaps. But don’t be frightened by the celestial dances taking place! Actually this is all blessed energy. For example, some of you may be meeting potential romantic partners, and by clearing out the emotional clutter you are making space for new love.

Remember that the mind doesn’t know everything, as much as it likes to think so, and this quarter the mind may be a little less reliable which is why focusing on your heart will help to guide you. Take your time and don’t jump to any conclusions. This quarter is truly setting us up for a triumphant end of the year!

As we enter the third quarter of the year, think back on the seeds you planted back at the end of 2023; have your seeds sprouted? Have you reaped your harvest? If you haven’t, it’s time to take at what kind of tending your garden needs. Some of you have overlooked important details in your…

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