July 1 to July 7, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Happy July everyone! My Virgo rising loves when a new month starts on a Monday–how neat! This is a wonderful week to enjoy the fruits of your labors–to really savor the sweetness of life. Things on the outside may not always reflect sweetness, but we can learn to cultivate it just like we do with honey.

You’ve come a long way. Things may not be the way you want them to be, but trust that you have the preparation to overcome any obstacle. Blessings are everywhere if you can learn to cultivate a sense of gratitude for your circumstances; to find the silver lining. The start of this week is for restoration. We currently have Saturn retrograding in Pisces and Neptune will soon follow in the same dance. The waters are a little murky and soon it will be time to clean, but for now take a moment to reflect on everything you have to be grateful for.


Creative solutions will present themselves once you can take a step back to breathe, and relax. Plan something fun with loved ones this week, like a picnic. Everything is working out alright and will get better; Spirit wants you to lean on the support of your community to fill your cups. Because of the current planetary energy you may not (yet) have clarity on what next steps to take, but you soon will. Use this time to catch up with life–zoom out of your work/goals for a bit.

This Weekend

We’ll welcome a New Moon in Cancer this weekend–oftentimes people perceive water to be gentle, and while it can be it also has the ability to be destructive. In this case Mama Moon’s waters are coming in to wash away the grime that has kept us stuck–cleaning those hard to reach areas in our minds and hearts. Whatever is being destroyed in your life, take a moment to grieve it but don’t stay there. This is a very powerful moment of redemption for you. This cleansing will serve to help you rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, especially as we get closer to Leo season (fire energy) later in the month.

For now, surrender to the flow of the waters and don’t forget to lean on your communities for loving support. As well, some of you may benefit from more group and social activities. If you feel you’re not really connecting with your current group of friends, join a class and find other like-minded people. The Universe is guiding you towards new connections.

Learn what’s happening for you in the month of July


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