July 15 to July 21, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

This week’s energy portends a lot of changes, which are the answers to our prayers. Just note that sometimes change, even blessed change, can feel uncomfortable or even scary. Spirit wants you to know not to worry; all is well. Everything happening on the outside is meant to be, and you have the power to control your reactions to the circumstances as they arise.

I sense a lot of us experiencing karmic lessons–things we might not have fully learned and we are now being encouraged to do so. There’s an element of higher learning here, so lean in to your intuition even if it doesn’t seem logical. Your soul knows the full map, while your mind can only perceive a step at a time. Follow your soul’s calling towards your next steps.

Beginning of the week

Spirit is encouraging you to charge ahead and take whatever steps you need to, to break any remaining obstacles in your path. The old towers of suffering and stagnation and crumbling, so now is the time to issue the final blow so they can be fully removed from your journey. For many of you these “obstacles” are blocking your progress in the material. Many of you may be experiencing financial hardships but you have the power to take matters into your own hands.

Once these blocks are lifted, you’ll begin to reap a lot more of the harvest you’ve worked so hard for. You may be called to take swift action towards ending something; again, follow your intuition for guidance. Some of you are also being called to take a spiritual bath to cleanse your aura.

Middle of the week

You might feel inspired to try a new path, especially in your career. A new opportunity may make its way to you this week, and it will be one you hadn’t fully considered before. It will give you the chance to show your authority and expertise, and may even be a more fulfilling role; potentially a promotion, leadership opportunity, or even a brand new job.

Some of you will even be inspired by new business ideas. Spirit advises you to try a new approach and perspective, especially if your first instinct is to reject this opportunity because you don’t feel “good enough” for it. Consider that it would not have presented itself if you weren’t worthy. You can take some time to think about it, but don’t wait too long.

Some of you may also be inspired to lean into your spiritual practice, or maybe even adopt a new one. You’re encouraged to ride this wave to see where it leads.

End of the week

As we get closer to this weekend’s Full Moon in Capricorn, Spirit wants you to consider doing more of what you love for money. Oftentimes we are trained to follow the money, regardless of how it makes us feel inside, but the farther off you are from your soul’s path, the more unhappy the option will be. So take some time this weekend to dive deeper into the monetary pursuits which light you up.

Don’t worry so much about taking a traditional approach with your finances. As well, try not to focus on how things will work out. The more aligned you are with your soul’s path, the smoother the process. Meditate this weekend on what you think your soul wants you to try next–connect more with your destiny.

Some of you are “free spirits”–you may be more inclined towards artistic pursuits but have put this off because of financial concerns. I get it–it sucks being a starving artist. Spirit assures that you won’t be “starving” once you follow your soul’s roadmap–yes there will be work involved but it will be more fulfilling, and will pay more. Ask Mama Moon to illuminate the way forward.


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